If you’re like me, you can’t wait to read Keith Richards’ memoir, Life. But before you do, be sure to read Bill Wyman’s fascinating “Please Allow Me to Correct a Few Things” at Slate first. Stop in at his blog, Hitsville, too.
The Rolling Stones
My Musical Comfort Food
Now that I’m not monitoring news feeds across the web for the latest breaking music news, I’ve been settling in with some old favorites. They’re beyond predictable, but I find it so refreshing to tune back in with music I was listening to nonstop when I first started getting interested in music criticism. Let’s just say I find it more rewarding than trying to figure out what people find so amazing about, say, Best Coast.
What am I listening to now? Here’s a quick list:
- The Byrds. There was a stretch there in the early part of last decade that I thought they’d get a critical revival from the freak folk crowd, but it didn’t really materialize. They opted for Crosby’s amazing solo work instead. Fair enough. Love the Byrds in all manifestations. Feel like they’re the American version of another of my favorite bands.
- The Kinks! Love this band so much and really haven’t listened to them much at all lately. Guess the last time I went totally crazy for their stuff was right around the time I caught Ray Davies at Irving Plaza in 2005. Going to see him in a few weeks. Cannot wait.
- The Rolling Stones. Watching Charlie dance to Exile on Main Street reminded me how much fun this band is. I know it’s quintessential dad-rock, but what can I say? I’ve been going back and checking out albums like Aftermath and Between the Buttons and loving every minute. Really need to pick up these reissues.
- Bob Dylan. Have to admit that Dylan’s a tremendous blind spot for me. I have a bunch of his albums, my favorite being Bringing It All Back Home, but I’m not exactly conversant. Now I can spend some time!
- Neil Young. It’s high time this old man took a life at his life, too. Have always loved Neil, not that that’s anything special, but feel like I was always scrambling to hear something new that crowded out my further appreciation of this living legend.
- Kate Bush, Vic Chesnutt, so many more. Long overdue.
There are plenty of other acts I’m leaving out. I’m not ruling out new music entirely, mind, but I’m so happy to have unplugged from the nonstop music PR circuit.