Not your average bachelor party breakfast

If Thad’s amaz­ing pork was­n’t enough, my friend Jeff put togeth­er two great break­fasts to cure hang­overs and pre­pare our wob­bly stom­achs for the full day, full throt­tle par­ties in the Poconos. 

He kept things sim­ple and Philly on Sat­ur­day morn­ing: eggs, bacon, scrap­ple, and toast. This morn­ing he went the extra mile, intro­duc­ing arti­sanal cheeses to the mix. Behold, my pecu­liar cre­ation: a scrap­ple sand­wich with gor­gonzo­la cheese and sliced toma­to on a toast­ed ham­burg­er bun. It was the best sec­ond break­fast I had this morning!