Fishtown Library Rally on Channel 6 Action News

Chan­nel 6’s Jes­si­ca Borg cov­ered the Save the Fish­town Library ral­ly last night. You can see me sport­ing my Phillies play­offs hood­ie and hat 37 sec­onds into the clip. I want­ed to post this not only because I think that this is a sto­ry that deserves a great deal of vis­i­bil­i­ty, but also because I want­ed to note that not every­one present felt that Bill Green’s com­ments artic­u­lat­ed what we want from the City.

As a Philadel­phi­an, I want it all. I don’t want to sac­ri­fice things like the Office of Sus­tain­abil­i­ty. A lack of sus­tain­abi­ity is how we got here in the first place. The hous­ing mar­ket was­n’t sus­tain­able; now it beg­gars us. I want the City to pur­sue an aggres­sive pol­i­cy toward bik­ing. I ride a bike and want to be safer as I com­mute to work. Why can’t we have that and our libraries, too?

What we may be see­ing is the down­side to May­or Nut­ter and Gov­er­nor Ren­dell endors­ing Hillary in the pri­ma­ry. I hope that’s not the case and that Pres­i­dent-elect Oba­ma can see why our politi­cians endorsed his oppo­nent but then worked hard to ensure that Penn­syl­va­nia went his way in Novem­ber. If there is mon­ey out there for banks, insur­ers, the auto indus­try, and unpop­u­lar wars, there needs to be mon­ey for ordi­nary cit­i­zens, too.

This makes me won­der what’s next for Fair­mount Park. I vot­ed ‘no’ on that bal­lot ini­tia­tive specif­i­cal­ly because the only thing I’ve ever seen the Recre­ation Depart­ment do is close pools. I seri­ous­ly hope Nut­ter and City Coun­cil aren’t con­jur­ing up ways to sell off our com­mon wealth. We real­ly need to do better.


  1. Great insights JT! I felt the same way re: Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and bik­ing. That’s why I could­n’t join in the chant­i­ng. I was glad dude did­n’t ques­tion the recent­ly re-opened Office of Arts & Cul­ture. I think lots of folks in the crowd would’ve walked away at that one.

  2. JT:

    I too believe that bikes and sus­tain­abil­i­ty are pri­or­i­ties. I sup­port bike shar­ing and reduc­ing the cities car­bon foot­print. They are impor­tant. They can hap­pen with­out a bike czar and with­out a $1 mil­lion office of sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Gov­ern­ing is choos­ing between com­pet­ing ideas for good with lim­it­ed resources. If you were in the posi­tion of being forced to make these choic­es, as I am, what would you choose. We sim­ply can’t have it all. I choose libraries. Just my two cents.

    If peo­ple have ideas for sav­ings that would allow us to keep it all please email me at


  3. Thanks for reach­ing out, Bill. I appre­ci­at­ed you com­ing out to speak last night, and wish more of your col­leagues would’ve fol­lowed your exam­ple. I’m hope­ful that the com­mu­ni­ties will be able to find peo­ple who are will­ing to pro­tect our pub­lic resources, with­out mort­gag­ing the future.

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