Why I Love My iPhone

Want to know a secret? The iPhone is the future of com­put­ing. I know there’s a lot of talk about tablets, but I think it’s sil­ly. Why? Because the iPhone can meet most peo­ple’s com­put­ing needs already.

How did I reach this con­clu­sion? I found myself in a hos­pi­tal for four days after Char­lie was born. My iPhone became indis­pens­able imme­di­ate­ly. I tweet­ed Char­lie’s birth, took pho­tos, texted friends and fam­i­ly the good news and kept folks in the loop on Face­book. I can almost guar­an­tee that most peo­ple don’t do much more with their computer.

What makes it so invalu­able? Size. It does­n’t need to be pow­er­ful. I could take my phone into an oper­at­ing room with­out get­ting in the way. Why would any­one want some­thing big­ger and clunki­er? It just does­n’t make sense.

My iPhone has been a life­line while Char­lie gets the hang of things. I can check late scores dur­ing a 3 AM feed­ing, catch up on news, or play pin­ball while he eats. It’s a great, unob­tru­sive device that I bought on a whim in 2008. It’s only got­ten bet­ter with time.

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