This Feels Like Home

I think I’ve final­ly set­tled on my ide­al Word­Press theme. I love the fonts, even if the main head­er is wonky on arti­cle pages. I got peo­ple who have insight into fix­ing stuff like that. (Yes, I’m look­ing at you, Roz.) I’m also gonna total­ly cop the fol­low suite from the bot­tom of Eric Smith’s blog short­ly and plant it right over there atop the right rail. Should be pret­ty sweet actually.

I’m debat­ing a few oth­er fea­tures. Feel free to sound off on them if the spir­it moves you.

  • Should I both­er adding a blogroll of any kind? I know they’re real­ly just there to gen­er­ate rec­i­p­ro­cal links and that very few peo­ple actu­al­ly click on them. I’m sure that like­li­hood decreas­es tremen­dous­ly when put on a sep­a­rate page, even if that page is clear­ly labeled and in the top nav that hov­ers over the right rail. Thoughts?
  • Tag cloud. They’ve always hor­ri­fied me. I just added one called “What I’m Talk­ing About,” which seemed pret­ty cool until it barfed up pret­ty much every tag I’ve ever used. I checked to see if I could lim­it the num­ber of tags with the out of the box Word­Press wid­get. No dice. Do I have any recourse?
  • Archives. I’m not pre­ten­tious enough to think that any­one real­ly trawls through the back pages here and I real­ly hate that they’re bro­ken out month­ly by default. I wish they could be orga­nized by years just for the sake of ele­gance. Is it worth the hassle?
  • Var­i­ous and sundry wid­gets just clut­ter up the place, right? I’m over hav­ing my Twit­ter feed post in the right rail. The fol­low suite will take care of that mess. I like the Flickr inte­gra­tion, but feel like that could go in the fol­low suite as well. Is there a wid­get any­where in the wide world that gen­er­ates album art thumb­nails from your scrob­bles with­out total­ly stink­ing up the joint? I have yet to find one and I’ve looked high and low.
  • Last, but not least: what do you think of Kens­ing­ton Blues? I chose the name because I live in the Kens­ing­ton neigh­bor­hood and am a fan of the late great Jack Rose. But some­times I ask myself if it’s too imper­son­al for a blog that’s real­ly just about beer, babies, and base­ball for the most part. Feel free to offer sug­ges­tions on such things as per­son­al brand­ing if you are so moved.

By the way, I snagged this theme from Woo Themes and it was total­ly free. I’m as shocked as you are. Thanks, Internet!

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