I’ve been reading about this set all over the web, most recently at An Aquarium Drunkard. Unsurprisingly, understandably, everyone’s fallen in love with one of the greatest albums ever all over again.
I got the deluxe remastered edition for Father’s Day and I’m still working my way through it, but something really struck me as I listened: do we have the Stones to blame for Blueshammer and their ilk? I mean, would Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Jonny Lang have been possible without the Stones paving the way for guys like Stevie Ray Vaughan?
I was listening to Exile on Main St. in the car this weekend, and it occurred to me that Slim Harpo’s “Shake Your Hips” (covered on Exile, where it was originally mistitled “Hip Shake”) is the core of at least half of ZZ Top’s catalog. 🙂
You’re absolutely right, not that there’s anything wrong with that. I read
somewhere once that Shellac’s Steve Albini was interviewed on VH1 about ZZ
Top, praising their early material, while they showed the “Legs” video
behind his head. The wonders of editing, right?