The Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main Street

I’ve been read­ing about this set all over the web, most recent­ly at An Aquar­i­um Drunk­ard. Unsur­pris­ing­ly, under­stand­ably, every­one’s fall­en in love with one of the great­est albums ever all over again.

I got the deluxe remas­tered edi­tion for Father’s Day and I’m still work­ing my way through it, but some­thing real­ly struck me as I lis­tened: do we have the Stones to blame for Blue­sham­mer and their ilk? I mean, would Ken­ny Wayne Shep­herd and Jon­ny Lang have been pos­si­ble with­out the Stones paving the way for guys like Ste­vie Ray Vaughan?