Man, I loved me some Commodore 64 as a kid. Hell, we had a Vic 20 before that, but the games were primitive! To be entirely honest, I was pretty much only playing educational games when we had that, so maybe I’d have fonder memories if I wasn’t playing word games on it.
I remember asking to “play computer” on rainy days growing up, and when I did, I’d haul ass upstairs to play games like Bruce Lee. Now I’m playing on my iPhone and the magic’s gone. The interface makes it nearly impossible to carry out the repetitive moves that once made this game so much fun. What went wrong?
I’m reaching out to you to find out your favorite iPhone games. Sure, nostalgia let me down once, but I’d love to check out old Nintendo games like Super Mario, or the weird stuff I couldn’t afford like Neo Geo games and so on. Share your favorites in the comments.
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