A Thank You to Readers

I’ve been butcher­ing this blog in one form or anoth­er since about 2003. My pas­sion for it has fluc­tu­at­ed over time, rang­ing from those heady days when I’d try my best to write about pol­i­tics, or when I ditched that and wrote about movies for a time, or when I just got caught up in the notion of need­ing a blog for some­thing as elu­sive as “per­son­al brand­ing.” I feel like I’m still recov­er­ing from that last one.

In the past week I’ve got­ten three com­pli­ments from folks who check in here from time to time and I have to say that’s immense­ly mean­ing­ful to me. I can’t tell you how reward­ing it is to know that even in an age where we’re just zip­ping one-lin­ers at each oth­er, some folks will take the time to read a para­graph or two. I nev­er ful­ly appre­ci­at­ed actu­al­ly engag­ing an audi­ence in that way until blog­ging became passe. Thanks again for reading!

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