Pitchfork’s Top 200 Tracks of the 1990s

I’d been wait­ing to write how awestruck I’ve been by this, but I can’t con­tain myself any longer. This list has been facemelt­ing­ly per­fect, at least from the per­spec­tive of any­one who’s been read­ing Pitch­fork since the days of dial-up. I can hard­ly be both­ered with the snooty crit­ic’s picks, but what fas­ci­nates me are the entries for the cor­po­rate rock enti­ties that defined a gen­er­a­tion who thought they were rebelling against cor­po­rate entities.

Favorites of the moment include the entry for Oasis’ “Live For­ev­er” and the Verve’s “Bit­ter­sweet Sym­pho­ny,” to say noth­ing of New Order’s “Regret,” the song that intro­duced me to their entire cat­a­logue. Those open­ing strains still stop me in my tracks.

Am I a lit­tle bummed no one has out and out shocked the read­er­ship by includ­ing the Verve Pipe? Am I amazed that nei­ther Live nor Dave Matthews Band have made an appear­ance? Which U2 song will make the list? I hope they pick some­thing from Zooropa. The ’90s weren’t per­fect and nei­ther were we. I hope they acknowl­edge that somehow.

6 thoughts on “Pitchfork’s Top 200 Tracks of the 1990s

  1. mufffin says:

    Here are my guess­es for what will be in the final 20. let’s see how many I get right!
    Radio­head-Fake Plas­tic Trees
    My Bloody Valentine-Soon
    Neu­tral Milk Hotel-Hol­land, 1945
    Pave­ment-Sum­mer Babe
    Nir­vana-All Apologies
    Belle & Sebas­t­ian-the State I am in
    Weez­er-Say It Ain’t So
    Noto­ri­ous BIG-hynotize
    Wu Tang Clan-Pro­tect Ya Neck
    Aphex Twin-windowlicker
    Pulp-Com­mon People
    Daft Punk-Da Funk
    Dr. Dre-Noth­in But a G Thang
    Tom Waits-Come On up to the house
    Cocteau Twins-Heav­en or Las Vegas
    Metal­li­ca-the unforgiven
    talk talk-taphead

  2. mufffin says:

    yeah, weird! Still, it’s not real­ly a sur­prise I could guess them fair­ly well. no joke, I’ve been read­ing this web­site since I was a soph­more in high school. I’m sur­prised they did­n’t real­ly include any 80s holdovers like the bot­tom four on my list or U2, but it would be hard to argue with what they chose instead. That said, I do NOT agree with Pave­ment hav­ing the best song (would’ve put Pulp in the top spot maybe). I“ll see you at the Mann Cen­ter Sept. 17 tho. 

  3. mufffin says:

    I’m see­ing Pave­ment with the same per­son I saw them with the last time in 1999. may the cir­cle be unbroken…

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