It’s Time for Playoff Baseball

First, I want to say con­grat­u­la­tions to our Philadel­phia Phillies for once again defy­ing the odds and fin­ish­ing with the best record in base­ball for the first time in club his­to­ry. It’s no mean feat in any sea­son, let alone one in which the team was sim­ply rav­aged by injuries to key play­ers all year long.

Now our eyes shift to the Phillies next goal, their third World Series appear­ance in as many years. Can they do it again? I’m hop­ing “Doc­to­ber” is every­thing we’ve dreamed and more.

Helen, Char­lie and I are head­ed to the park Fri­day after work for Game 2 of the NLDS. It’ll be Roy Oswalt ver­sus Bron­son Arroyo of the Cincin­nati Reds. I like our chances against the MLB’s old­est squad and I’d frankly be sur­prised if this series went five games. Let’s hope I’m right.

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