Who Is Harry Nilsson?

Just watched this doc­u­men­tary. Only a hand­ful of artists meet a trag­ic end like this, where their fame endures long after their tal­ent burns out. My old boss at TLA Video, Adri­an Hick­man, used to play Nils­son often at the store. I did­n’t have an ear for it then, but lis­ten­ing to his voice com­plete­ly blew me away. Nils­son was­n’t just a great pop singer/songwriter; the guy was an auteur like Orson Welles, craft­ing a work so dense and poet­ic only to have it undo him.

My favorite part of the doc­u­men­tary? See­ing Nils­son at the height of his fame, par­ty­ing with the Bea­t­les and Elton John. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pho­to mon­tage as thrilling, laugh­ing mani­a­cal­ly at pho­tos that would make fans of The Hang­over blanch. Watch­ing inter­views with guys like Bri­an Wil­son and Van Dyke Parks gave me a sense that Nils­son was­n’t just some maudlin pop singer, but a guy who was liv­ing every moment to the fullest. Equal­ly impor­tant, he set lofty goals and achieved them. He did it all. He did it fast.

Maybe it’s because I’m get­ting old­er, but artists like Har­ry Nils­son appeal to me more now, just as I find myself appre­ci­at­ing vet­er­an ballplay­ers who are still giv­ing it a go long after they’ve been writ­ten off by con­ven­tion­al wis­dom. Makes you won­der how any artist made it through the ’70s alive. Did­n’t mat­ter if you were punk or posh, chances are you were doing things that did con­sid­er­able harm to your person.

Come clean and admit your favorite ’70s rock­ers here. And, yes, you can like the Adverts and X‑Ray Spex and still be total­ly smit­ten with Elton John.

5 thoughts on “Who Is Harry Nilsson?

  1. Ian N. says:

    I love all that glam stuff as well as being a pret­ty big Queen fan. “Spot­light on Nils­son” is get­ting a lot of play here late­ly. I need to get more of his albums. I think he’s def­i­nite­ly under-appreciated.

  2. Love Fleet­wood Mac. Feel like the list Pitch­fork made for the ’70s really
    omit­ted the hairy freaks who made rock real­ly hum. I mean, I love Kraftwork
    and Neu and Bowie, but more Duane All­man please?

  3. mufffin says:

    was­n’t there like 5 zep­pelin and a cou­ple stones albums on there? that’s real­ly all you need! aside from funk, there was real­ly no r&b/soul on that list. wait, I’ll go look… also, I pre­fer Kraftwerk the robots to Kraft­work the unnec­es­sary fish­town bar 🙂 for the life of me I can­not get into south­ern rock…too south­ern for south­ern rock. 

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