My Favorite Albums of 2010

I’m try­ing to pull these togeth­er now. A few albums leap to mind:

  • Liars – Sis­ter­world
  • The Roots — How I Got Over
  • Kanye West — My Beau­ti­ful Dark Twist­ed Fantasy
  • Tay­lor Swift’s Speak Now
  • Sight­ings — City of Straw
  • Janelle Mon­ae — The ArchAn­droid
  • Erykah Badu — New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh
  • Ted Leo and the Phar­ma­cists — The Bru­tal­ist Bricks
  • The-Dream — Love King
  • Titus Andron­i­cus — The Mon­i­tor
  • Big Boi — Sir Lus­cious Left Foot
  • Spoon — Trans­fer­ence
  • Kyle­sa — Spi­ral Shadow
  • Sleigh Bells — Treats
  • V/A Casu­al Vic­tim Pile comp

I’m still look­ing around for things I missed. Real­ly wish there were more met­al on this list, to say noth­ing of weirdo noise and psych stuff. More coun­try, too! I’m not above hear­ing ten albums in the next week and mak­ing those my favorite albums of the year. Still haven’t heard that Beach House album that came out so long ago it feels like 2009! I’m over wor­ry­ing what crit­ics think of my year-end list; none of them mat­ter so much to war­rant the cos­mopoli­tan ulcer I used to give myself come Novem­ber. Have to admit that it feels good to have reached the point in my life where I’m hap­py to nom­i­nate the main­stream fluff I used to hate see­ing in the Vil­lage Voice Pazz ‘n’ Jop poll. That Tay­lor Swift album is damn good!

What are your favorites of 2010? Feel free to drop links in the com­ments. Wow me.

My Favorite New Show: Brew Masters

Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel real­ly knows their demo­graph­ic. “Dead­liest Catch” may have run aground, but leave it to those genius­es to hit upon a sub­ject near­er and dear­er to me: craft beer. The kick­er? Throw Dog­fish Head beer guru Sam Cala­gione into the mix and you’re bound to attract an audi­ence of lit­er­al­ly dozens of beer geeks from around the U.S. A hit!

My main ques­tion is why did­n’t I know about “Brew Mas­ters” before catch­ing a com­mer­cial dur­ing a Tot­ten­ham-Arse­nal match on ESPN2? I’m not even that much of a soc­cer fan. And I fol­low @dogfishbeer on Twit­ter! Serendipity!

Not sure that I’ll be able to watch when it airs as it shares a time slot with a lit­tle show called “Board­walk Empire,” but you bet­ter believe I’ll be DVR-ing it like a boss to watch Mon­day night while Helen checks out “Gos­sip Girl.”

UPDATE: I may have spo­ken to soon. Read this fun­ny post over at A Good Beer Blog for the details. “Cake Boss” of beer sounds apt. Could be a turkey, but I still have love for local craft brew­ers. Go Sam!

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Helen and I have had a hell of a time watch­ing movies late­ly. Between work and rais­ing a very active 17-month-old baby, it’s hard to watch any­thing more than a few sit­coms before pass­ing out on the couch. We ral­lied last night to watch a full-length fea­ture for the first time in months and watched the inter­na­tion­al hit, The Girl With the Drag­on Tat­too. What bet­ter way to cel­e­brat­ing scal­ing back on our Net­flix sub­scrip­tion than by stream­ing a movie, right?

You’ll have to for­give me for not read­ing the books, but when my Dan­ish host mom rec­om­mend­ed them to Helen and me back when we vis­it­ed them in ’09, I had a hunch they’d be here soon. It’s a grue­some sto­ry poor­ly told; Helen, who has read the book, explained that they real­ly took lib­er­ties with it and I can’t right­ly say it was for the best, but where it does­n’t suc­ceed as an adap­ta­tion, it works as a thriller.

Lis­beth Salan­der reads like a more emo­tion­al­ly tor­ment­ed Jason Bourne, with even less insight into her trou­bled past. She’s a fas­ci­nat­ing char­ac­ter who’s absolute­ly cap­ti­vat­ing onscreen. The main prob­lem with the movie is that the sto­ry can’t seem to get out of its own way at times. The ham­fist­ed direc­tor ham­mers home in every pos­si­ble frame just how atro­cious and psy­chot­ic these crimes are, as if the audi­ence had­n’t ascer­tained that already. Hope­ful­ly that improves in future installments.

My biggest wor­ry about The Girl With the Drag­on Tat­too? That peo­ple will over­state the influ­ence of the Swedish Nazi Par­ty. The Swedes have their faults, but being Nazi sym­pa­thiz­ers isn’t one of them.