Category: Doing

  • A Quick Housekeeping Note

    Tell me what you think about that fol­low suite my good friend Roz helped me snag from Eric’s blog! I did some addi­tion­al tweak­ing and feel good about how it turned out. An aside: remem­ber when it seemed sen­si­ble to lifestream stuff, flood­ing the blog with con­tent from every chan­nel imag­in­able? Glad that’s passed.

  • Facebook Places or Foursquare?

    Face­book Places. Game, set, match. Why? Because even though every last des­ti­na­tion I vis­it has­n’t been loaded into Face­book, it means acti­vat­ing one less wonky app that crash­es unex­pect­ed­ly and then scolds me if I try check­ing in again. Anoth­er plus? Peo­ple I know actu­al­ly use Face­book. Foursquare? Not so much. Face­book Places does to Foursquare…

  • I Threw a Home Run Ball Back

    I arrived a bit late to last night’s game, miss­ing the first inning, but I was there for the fol­low­ing 15. What hap­pened in the top of the 4th is some­thing I’ll prob­a­bly remem­ber — and maybe regret — for the rest of my life. I talked to Enri­co over at The 700 Lev­el about…

  • What I’ve Learned So Far

    Bring Your A’s Game has been a whirl­whind. After two weeks I’ve got­ten more press than I could’ve ever imag­ined. This week I talked to Bob Huber at Philly Mag and Shai Ben-Yaa­cov at WHYY.It’s been exhil­a­rat­ing to build a guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing cam­paign out of thing air. And that’s not even the strangest part! I…

  • The Columbia Avenue Grounds

    As I’ve prob­a­bly men­tioned else­where, I often take my son Char­lie on dri­ves around our neigh­bor­hood to give mom a break and to get him to nap for about an hour or so. I fre­quent­ly dri­ve to the sites of old Philadel­phia ball­parks, most of which are just a short dri­ve from our home in…