Category: Doing
A Quick Housekeeping Note
Tell me what you think about that follow suite my good friend Roz helped me snag from Eric’s blog! I did some additional tweaking and feel good about how it turned out. An aside: remember when it seemed sensible to lifestream stuff, flooding the blog with content from every channel imaginable? Glad that’s passed.
Facebook Places or Foursquare?
Facebook Places. Game, set, match. Why? Because even though every last destination I visit hasn’t been loaded into Facebook, it means activating one less wonky app that crashes unexpectedly and then scolds me if I try checking in again. Another plus? People I know actually use Facebook. Foursquare? Not so much. Facebook Places does to Foursquare…
I Threw a Home Run Ball Back
I arrived a bit late to last night’s game, missing the first inning, but I was there for the following 15. What happened in the top of the 4th is something I’ll probably remember — and maybe regret — for the rest of my life. I talked to Enrico over at The 700 Level about…
What I’ve Learned So Far
Bring Your A’s Game has been a whirlwhind. After two weeks I’ve gotten more press than I could’ve ever imagined. This week I talked to Bob Huber at Philly Mag and Shai Ben-Yaacov at WHYY.It’s been exhilarating to build a guerrilla marketing campaign out of thing air. And that’s not even the strangest part! I…
The Columbia Avenue Grounds
As I’ve probably mentioned elsewhere, I often take my son Charlie on drives around our neighborhood to give mom a break and to get him to nap for about an hour or so. I frequently drive to the sites of old Philadelphia ballparks, most of which are just a short drive from our home in…