Category: Doing

  • I Biked the Strike

    I biked the SEPTA strike last week. It was­n’t the romance Philly Bicy­cle Coali­tion might have you believe. In fact, it was down­right dan­ger­ous for any­one who tried to nav­i­gate the traf­fic-choked streets. How about a recap? There is no safe, reli­able route from any­where north of Spring Gar­den to Cen­ter City. The exist­ing bike…

  • Thanks Phillies!

    Helen and Char­lie NLCS Game 5, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. I’d like to say a belat­ed thank you to the Phillies for mak­ing my son’s first sea­son as a Phillies fan an amaz­ing one. Here he is with his mom and my beau­ti­ful wife Helen at Game 5 of our tri­umphant series against…

  • My Thermals Session

    The Ther­mals were kind enough to stop by the Com­cast Cen­ter when they were in town to play a few songs and talk to me about their new album, Now We Can See. The Ther­mals are the sort of band who do every­thing right, but I’m not sure they’ll ever get the main­stream recog­ni­tion they…

  • My Mastodon Interview

    I men­tioned a while back that I’d be talk­ing to Mastodon about their new album, Crack the Skye. Watch this clip and tell me how you think it turned out.

  • We Went to Cooperstown

    Helen, Char­lie, and I just got back from a love­ly week­end in Coop­er­stown, NY. We went up to see the Nation­al Base­ball Hall of Fame, yet we saw a giant pump­kin regat­ta and came home with a mixed case of Ommegang bot­tles. Some week­end, huh? It was a great time. The weath­er was per­fect­ly autum­nal. As…