Category: Doing
Let’s Now Praise Sly Fox Beer
One of the great things about meeting my folks halfway between Oley and Philly is having dinner at Sly Fox Brewery in Royersford. Sure, the food isn’t world-class, but I’m always eager to try their latest offering of draught beer. I tried two new beers tonight. I got a 20 oz. glass of their oatmeal…
Ignored Netflix Movies Fight Back
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. I really need to finish watching Bertolucci’s La Commare Secca already. It’s good, trust me! There’s just never enough time to watch it! Fortunately, Helen holds up her end of the Netflix subscription by devouring TV on DVD. She just finished the final season of Homicide.…
Fishtown Library Rally on Channel 6 Action News
Channel 6’s Jessica Borg covered the Save the Fishtown Library rally last night. You can see me sporting my Phillies playoffs hoodie and hat 37 seconds into the clip. I wanted to post this not only because I think that this is a story that deserves a great deal of visibility, but also because I…
Video: Kanye West — “Heartless”
I was talking to Mark this afternoon about the state of the music industry, something we do from time to time, usually when I’m certain that it’s finally reached rock bottom. There’s something foreboding in the November release calendar. If this year is really the music industry’s last gasp, then November will be its death…