Category: Doing

  • Let’s Now Praise Sly Fox Beer

    One of the great things about meet­ing my folks halfway between Oley and Philly is hav­ing din­ner at Sly Fox Brew­ery in Roy­ers­ford. Sure, the food isn’t world-class, but I’m always eager to try their lat­est offer­ing of draught beer. I tried two new beers tonight. I got a  20 oz. glass of their oat­meal…

  • Gorgoroth’s Gaahl Discusses His Influences

    This isn’t new, but it’s a pret­ty hilar­i­ous video. I love these guys. Look at the mise-en-scene! It’s per­fect! The sense of style and ded­i­ca­tion that goes into being a true Nor­we­gian black met­al war­rior is noth­ing short of total­ly ridiculous. I need to fol­low up and watch these episodes on VBS TV by Peter…

  • Ignored Netflix Movies Fight Back

    See more fun­ny videos and fun­ny pic­tures at Col­lege­Hu­mor. I real­ly need to fin­ish watch­ing Bertoluc­ci’s La Com­mare Sec­ca already. It’s good, trust me! There’s just nev­er enough time to watch it! For­tu­nate­ly, Helen holds up her end of the Net­flix sub­scrip­tion by devour­ing TV on DVD. She just fin­ished the final sea­son of Homi­cide.…

  • Fishtown Library Rally on Channel 6 Action News

    Chan­nel 6’s Jes­si­ca Borg cov­ered the Save the Fish­town Library ral­ly last night. You can see me sport­ing my Phillies play­offs hood­ie and hat 37 sec­onds into the clip. I want­ed to post this not only because I think that this is a sto­ry that deserves a great deal of vis­i­bil­i­ty, but also because I…

  • Video: Kanye West — “Heartless”

    I was talk­ing to Mark this after­noon about the state of the music indus­try, some­thing we do from time to time, usu­al­ly when I’m cer­tain that it’s final­ly reached rock bot­tom. There’s some­thing fore­bod­ing in the Novem­ber release cal­en­dar. If this year is real­ly the music indus­try’s last gasp, then Novem­ber will be its death…