Category: Thinking

  • A Benediction for Music Criticism

    Today’s my last day as music edi­tor at It’s a weird feel­ing to be wrap­ping up what has been a pret­ty amaz­ing 10-year jour­ney at the periph­ery of the music industry. I’ll be the first to admit that I was nev­er a great music critic.When I first start­ed scrib­bling about songs back in ’99,…

  • It’s Time for Playoff Baseball

    First, I want to say con­grat­u­la­tions to our Philadel­phia Phillies for once again defy­ing the odds and fin­ish­ing with the best record in base­ball for the first time in club his­to­ry. It’s no mean feat in any sea­son, let alone one in which the team was sim­ply rav­aged by injuries to key play­ers all year long.…

  • How About Them Phillies?

    Remem­ber when I wrote this and won­dered whether or not the Phillies would make the post­sea­son? Yeah, seems pret­ty sil­ly now. I’m head­ed to see the Phillies again tonight as they attempt to sweep the Braves, who once led the divi­sion by a healthy sev­en games. The Phillies have gone on a 12 game swing…

  • My Beef with the PLCB

    While I don’t share Lew’s froth­ing hatred of tax­a­tion, I must say that I’ve reached my lim­it with the PLCB. What was the last straw, you ask? I have nev­er had a good local dis­trib­u­tor in my life. I had a flir­ta­tion with Soci­ety Hill Bev­er­age, but even their supe­ri­or selec­tion (by PA stan­dards) and…

  • How to Improve OBX

    We just got back from a love­ly week in the Out­er Banks. It was our fourth week-long stay. It’s like heav­en on Earth. Mostly. I’ll offer three quick ways to improve the experience: Cable TV. I don’t know what it is, but every­one seems to skimp on their cable pack­age. I know it’s pricey, but…