• It’s almost time for Madden 2009

    I first played Mad­den in Decem­ber of 1993 on my new Sega Gen­e­sis, just days after hav­ing my wis­dom teeth removed. My sis­ter and I would play as I recov­ered, me half-stoned on per­co­cets. She beat me fre­quent­ly. Her strat­e­gy? Just hit the “C” but­ton. If she chose the 49’ers as she usu­al­ly did it…

  • Save Sunday night for Mad Men

    Mad Men is the sort of show that makes me wish more of my friends had cable and weren’t con­stant­ly play­ing catch up with Net­flix. I’ve real­ly liked sea­son two so far, main­ly for cre­ative, con­flict­ual pair­ings and, con­se­quent­ly, the unease that’s per­me­at­ed episodes one and two. As Don’s assailed at work and at home,…

  • The return of the music nerd.

    I’m going to see King Crim­son tomor­row night and Radio­head the night after that. If I’m lucky I’ll sneak into the NIN show at the end of the month, mak­ing my back­wards jour­ney through my for­ma­tive musi­cal ner­dom more or less complete.

  • Not your average bachelor party breakfast

    Scrap­ple sand­wich with gor­gonzo­la and toma­to., orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. If Thad’s amaz­ing pork was­n’t enough, my friend Jeff put togeth­er two great break­fasts to cure hang­overs and pre­pare our wob­bly stom­achs for the full day, full throt­tle par­ties in the Poconos.  He kept things sim­ple and Philly on Sat­ur­day morn­ing: eggs,…

  • Eat at Ralph’s!

    I’m @ lunch., orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. I’ve been mean­ing to talk about what it’s like to work in Philadel­phi­a’s newest sky­scraper. In a word: unbe­liev­able. Most impres­sive of all may be our cafe­te­ria, Ralph’s. Not only is the food afford­able and rather tasty (I’ll have more pho­tos up soon), it also…