• From the Desk of J T. Ramsay

    Can I just say that last week was a great one? Indulge me and check out what’s going on over at Com­cast Voic­es.

  • My Favorite Albums of 2010

    I’m try­ing to pull these togeth­er now. A few albums leap to mind: Liars – Sis­ter­world The Roots — How I Got Over Kanye West — My Beau­ti­ful Dark Twist­ed Fantasy Tay­lor Swift’s Speak Now Sight­ings — City of Straw Janelle Mon­ae — The ArchAn­droid Erykah Badu — New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh Ted Leo and the…

  • My Favorite New Show: Brew Masters

    Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel real­ly knows their demo­graph­ic. “Dead­liest Catch” may have run aground, but leave it to those genius­es to hit upon a sub­ject near­er and dear­er to me: craft beer. The kick­er? Throw Dog­fish Head beer guru Sam Cala­gione into the mix and you’re bound to attract an audi­ence of lit­er­al­ly dozens of beer geeks…

  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

    Helen and I have had a hell of a time watch­ing movies late­ly. Between work and rais­ing a very active 17-month-old baby, it’s hard to watch any­thing more than a few sit­coms before pass­ing out on the couch. We ral­lied last night to watch a full-length fea­ture for the first time in months and watched…

  • Trap Shooting in the Poconos

    We returned to the Sun­set Hill Shoot­ing Range for some trap shoot­ing. A good time was had by all. Except for the clay pigeons. They did­n’t fare so well. Here’s a video of me shoot­ing a clay pigeon with a 12-gauge shotgun.