• Calling All Word Nerds

    Yes­ter­day I start­ed my new job as Com­cast’s chief blog­ger. Now I’ve had some fun with social media so far in my career and have had a real­ly great time get­ting peo­ple excit­ed about bring­ing the A’s back to Philadel­phia, but I have very lit­tle in the way of what you may call deep back­ground…

  • Current iPhone Home Screen

    First & 20 start­ed out as one of my favorite iPhone blogs. It had a clever premise: ask tech all stars to share their iPhone home screens. They haven’t been pub­lish­ing much of late, but I’ve checked back from time to time any­way. Thought I’d share mine again, too! I just rad­i­cal­ly reset what’s on…

  • My First Day as Chief Blogger

    Check out the view from my new office! Today was hec­tic, but real­ly cool. Had some neat meet­ings. Was a lot like my first day at Com­cast: a lit­tle con­fu­sion and a ton of excite­ment. Met more peo­ple today than I have in three years at the com­pa­ny and that’s great! Very excit­ed to see…

  • In Praise of Kylesa

    Bought their new one, Spi­ral Shad­ow, at the show last night. Love this band so much. If you haven’t heard them, you have some catch­ing up to do. Also, have Torche com­plete­ly dis­avowed their Mean­derthal sound? Love the sludgy stuff, but that was a pret­ty nice turn for them, too.

  • I Love Roy Oswalt

    Now that it’s sunk in that our sea­son’s over, all I can think about how much I love Roy Oswalt. Why? Because he was an absolute stud down the stretch. Because he accept­ed play­ing sec­ond fid­dle when he’s an ace on most staffs around the league. Because he played left field! To top it all…