• Why I Love Where I Work

    I know I’ve been talk­ing a lot about beer and the music indus­try here, but I want­ed to stop for a moment to talk a bit about my work. Since I got back from my long over­due trip to Den­mark, I’ve been invit­ing bands into the Com­cast Cen­ter for inter­views and ses­sions in our lounge,…

  • I’m Interviewing Mastodon Today

    Today is a real­ly excit­ing day and not just because it’s Fri­day and the sun is final­ly shin­ing. I’m bring­ing Mastodon into the Com­cast Cen­ter to talk about their new album, Crack the Skye! I know that inter­view­ing a band on tour isn’t that big a deal, but it’s a major step for­ward for comcast.net/music…

  • Our Trip to Denmark

    Ten years. Had it real­ly been so long? Before Helen and I got on the plane to Copen­hagen, it was hard to believe that when I last vis­it­ed Den­mark, I had just fin­ished row­ing at the Hen­ley Roy­al Regat­ta. Before that, as some of you know, I lived in Den­mark for a year as an…

  • Holger Danske

    Hol­ger Danske Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay We’re back! I’m still feel­ing a lit­tle jet-lagged, but I’m so hap­py to have intro­duced Helen to my host fam­i­ly and Den­mark. I’ll be writ­ing more lat­er in the week about our trip, along with a cau­tion­ary tale regard­ing the lim­its of pow­er adapters overseas. In the…

  • Turen GÃ¥r til København!

    Helen and I are going on our hon­ey­moon! Yes, we’ve been mar­ried near­ly four years and are just two months away from wel­com­ing our first baby into the world, but we final­ly have the time and mon­ey so we fig­ured, “Why not!?” It’s long overdue. Where are we head­ed? Den­mark, naturligvis! I spent a year…