• Rip It Up And Start Again

    I’m adding one more dig­i­tal res­o­lu­tion. I need to learn Word­Press next year, and not just the nuts and bolts. I’m talk­ing bells and whis­tles too. I sug­gest­ed this a bit with the whole ‘make this blog a sand­box’ item, but I think it needs to go fur­ther. I need to start sim­ple and work…

  • Our Christmas Tree

    Our Christ­mas tree, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Helen and I are busy get­ting ready for our sec­ond annu­al Christ­mas par­ty here in Fish­town. Tonight we made our pil­grim­age to Ore­gon Avenue to buy our Christ­mas tree. Last year we bought a Fras­er fir. This year we want­ed some­thing taller and a lit­tle…

  • My Digital New Year’s Resolutions

    I real­ly need to sort out how I use the Inter­net in 2009. It sounds crazy, but 2008 was a tri­al by ordeal for me as I tried more new web prod­ucts than I ever have before in an effort to bet­ter under­stand the work that’s being done out there, and to have opin­ions about…

  • Happy Birthday, Geekadelphia!

    If you’re a Philadel­phi­an and you’re not already read­ing Geekadel­phia, this would be a good rea­son to start. Why? They’ve just cel­e­brat­ed their one year anniver­sary as a blog, which is like a cen­tu­ry in blog years, at least accord­ing Hip­ster Runoff. These guys have been fill­ing the Fun Vam­pires void late­ly with lots of…

  • Andrei Tarkovsky — ‘Mirror’

    ‘Mir­ror’ is a beau­ti­ful, impen­e­tra­ble film. Direc­tor Andrei Tarkovsky crafts a nar­ra­tive that takes you between past, present, and future, dream­like, as mem­o­ry often feels. The sto­ry is a messy scrap­book of mem­o­ries, some near­ly past­ed atop one anoth­er, pro­duc­ing a col­lage of frag­ment­ed emo­tions. But to speak only of the sto­ry would over­look Tarkovsky’s…