In Praise of Step Brothers

It goes with­out say­ing that this is the sec­ond com­ing of Office Space. It’s the kind of movie that does­n’t scream at you to see it in the the­ater, but once you give it a shot on the ol’ boob tube, you can’t help but be sucked in by its silli­ness. I have a great love of many seri­ous movies and direc­tors, but I may have seen this movie more in the past year and a half than any oth­er movie in my life.

I hat­ed Tal­lade­ga Nights. Thought it was stu­pid. Could­n’t fin­ish it. Put the same cast — minus Borat — in a dif­fer­ent set­ting: com­e­dy gold. You can watch my favorite scene above. (It con­tains some strong lan­guage, so, fair warn­ing.) I think I just love the bonkers premise that these two man-chil­dren might become step broth­ers and then real­ize that they’re soul mates. I think it’s so sim­ple that it cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the actors to real­ly flesh out just how dement­ed their char­ac­ters are and the dys­func­tion is a delight.

You haven’t seen it? What are you doing!? It’s been on on-demand for, like, over a year!

I’m sad­dened that there will be no Step Broth­ers 2. I had a treat­ment for a sequel. I’m seri­ous! Adam McK­ay, if you ever Google your­self — and I’m sure you do — be in touch. I know Para­mount shot you down, but if that doc­u­men­tary Entourage is any indi­ca­tion, Hol­ly­wood’s just loaded with sec­ond chances. You’re total­ly bet­ter than Vin­nie Chase, man. Call me.