Kitchen Demolition Plot

Remem­ber the sof­fit? Me neither.

Met with Chad from 1two5 last night to dis­cuss next steps. Rough elec­tri­cal today, some fram­ing tomor­row and then our pal David will fol­low up with dry­wall. (Have I men­tioned that he’s the best? Paints, too! Find him here.)

New range arrives Sat­ur­day. Can’t wait to see it in the space. The kitchen seems cav­ernous with­out our island! Look­ing for­ward to installing the new range and hood!

Buying Our Dream Range

The plan called for an Ikea Framtid range, but this beau­ty was on clear­ance for the same price! Had to pull the trig­ger on this baby. Look at that glo­ri­ous cook­top! Did I men­tion that it’s a con­vec­tion oven? Can’t believe I’m swoon­ing for a stove.

I said to Helen last night that the way things worked out made me feel like we were in Incep­tion for kitchen remod­el­ing. Glad my top top­pled. It’s real!

We’re Updating Our Kitchen

If you’re a home­own­er, then you know how hard it can be to work on the projects you want to ver­sus those you have to. We’ve been talk­ing about mak­ing changes in our kitchen since before Char­lie arrived. Now the time has come!

It’s hard to tell in this pic­ture, but it’s some­thing of a big, dumb space. It’s a long, wide rec­tan­gle with all the cab­i­nets on one side and an open shelf from Ikea on the oth­er. Not ideal.

So we’re work­ing with our friends Chad and Nic at Post­green to update it ele­gant­ly and afford­ably. I’ll post reg­u­lar updates on the project, along with tips on how to sur­vive a kitchen remod­el with­out spend­ing a month at restau­rants. Get ready for some gueril­la recipes out of crock­pot, rotis­serie and rice cook­ers, people!

My Turntable Returns!

My turntable
Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay

One of the things that makes me laugh is the slew of arti­cles that have been writ­ten late­ly about the resur­gence of vinyl. I laugh main­ly because I felt that the vinyl resur­gence had come and gone. I asso­ci­at­ed the trend with Mata­dor’s renewed com­mit­ment to reis­su­ing some of their back cat­a­logue on 180 gram vinyl, some­thing they did four or five years ago.

I chew my friend Mark’s ear off all the time when­ev­er I read a new sto­ry declar­ing that the vinyl LP — the vehi­cle that brought rock ’n’ roll into garages, liv­ing rooms, and base­ments across Amer­i­ca — would rise like a Phoenix, car­ry­ing the music indus­try on its back. It’s a love­ly, roman­tic thought to which I say, “Fat chance.”

Me? I’ve been see-saw­ing back and forth between lov­ing the medi­um and lov­ing it but hav­ing no room for the cum­ber­some equip­ment that can dom­i­nate any Philadel­phia apart­ment or rowhome eas­i­ly if you’re not care­ful. Con­tin­ue read­ing