Kitchen Demolition Plot

Remem­ber the sof­fit? Me neither.

Met with Chad from 1two5 last night to dis­cuss next steps. Rough elec­tri­cal today, some fram­ing tomor­row and then our pal David will fol­low up with dry­wall. (Have I men­tioned that he’s the best? Paints, too! Find him here.)

New range arrives Sat­ur­day. Can’t wait to see it in the space. The kitchen seems cav­ernous with­out our island! Look­ing for­ward to installing the new range and hood!

Kitchen Under Construction

See that top row of cab­i­nets? That sof­fit? They’re goners, folks. The 1two5 crew comes through today to begin phase two of our kitchen remod­el, which involves tak­ing out those cab­i­nets and mak­ing some archi­tec­tur­al changes, too.

Can’t believe what a dif­fer­ence our new pantry already makes on the oppo­site wall! Our kitchen will be com­plete­ly trans­formed when all is said and done.

We’re Updating Our Kitchen

If you’re a home­own­er, then you know how hard it can be to work on the projects you want to ver­sus those you have to. We’ve been talk­ing about mak­ing changes in our kitchen since before Char­lie arrived. Now the time has come!

It’s hard to tell in this pic­ture, but it’s some­thing of a big, dumb space. It’s a long, wide rec­tan­gle with all the cab­i­nets on one side and an open shelf from Ikea on the oth­er. Not ideal.

So we’re work­ing with our friends Chad and Nic at Post­green to update it ele­gant­ly and afford­ably. I’ll post reg­u­lar updates on the project, along with tips on how to sur­vive a kitchen remod­el with­out spend­ing a month at restau­rants. Get ready for some gueril­la recipes out of crock­pot, rotis­serie and rice cook­ers, people!