Hides the ductwork tighter to the ceiling. Really lifts your eye up the wall.
Ductwork for range hood today. Drywall this afternoon!
The plan called for an Ikea Framtid range, but this beauty was on clearance for the same price! Had to pull the trigger on this baby. Look at that glorious cooktop! Did I mention that it’s a convection oven? Can’t believe I’m swooning for a stove.
I said to Helen last night that the way things worked out made me feel like we were in Inception for kitchen remodeling. Glad my top toppled. It’s real!
See that top row of cabinets? That soffit? They’re goners, folks. The 1two5 crew comes through today to begin phase two of our kitchen remodel, which involves taking out those cabinets and making some architectural changes, too.
Can’t believe what a difference our new pantry already makes on the opposite wall! Our kitchen will be completely transformed when all is said and done.