It’s Time for a Sixers Blog

I’ve been telling peo­ple for a while that it’s time for Philly bas­ket­ball fans to start blog­ging the Six­ers. I know it sounds like the most excru­ci­at­ing pun­ish­ment short of hav­ing to actu­al­ly play for the team, but that’s how you make this work. See, it’s like this: the team can’t plum­met much fur­ther and it’s pret­ty clear that Philadel­phi­ans can’t be both­ered with them. That’s why you, enter­pris­ing sports writer, need to step into the breach and blog the beje­sus out of the team. They’re so per­fect­ly pathet­ic I’ve been tempt­ed to do it myself.

I fig­ure that it’d be best to draw on what works with the great Phillies blogs I fol­low dogged­ly, but give them a lit­tle bit of every­thing, rang­ing from the hilar­i­ous “per­son­al­i­ty” dri­ven posts over at The Fight­ins, the keen­ly-observed prose that you get from Beer­lea­guer and just a dab of the heady analy­sis you find at Crash­burn Alley and you’d prob­a­bly have the best Six­ers blog in the city overnight.

If any­one is already doing this, I’d love to read along. I feel like this is also the time to bite the bul­let and start watch­ing. If you’re over 30 like me, chances are you sur­vived the Clarence Weath­er­spoon and Shawn Bradley years. Can this be any worse than that?