Who Do You Follow?

Tell me who you fol­low! I feel pret­ty com­fort­able with Google Read­er and Twit­ter; I’ve amassed quite a col­lec­tion of per­son­al­i­ties there and enjoy them immense­ly. But I find myself awash in end­less reblogs on Tum­blr and I would­n’t know the first thing about who’s worth watch­ing on YouTube.

Do peo­ple still get into pod­casts? I’ve down­loaded DJ Rup­ture’s Mudd Up, Doug Hen­wood’s Behind the News, and Two Guys on Beer, but I have to admit that I’m not a reg­u­lar con­sumer of pod­casts. Are there any you check out? Do you think video pod­cast­ing may final­ly break through now that we have the devices that not only sup­port it, but make it sexy?

Last­ly, what are your favorite blogs? In this age of microblog­ging in all forms, is there any­one else out there who still likes to read thought­ful pieces? My Google Read­er is stuffed, but I’m always look­ing for new sources to check out. I’m always look­ing for local folks, as well as great peo­ple cov­er­ing music, tech, Phillies, food, and media. Share your favorites!

So, who do you fol­low and where do you fol­low them?

Pardon My Dust

Sor­ry I’ve been away so long, but I’ve been kept very busy late­ly with my new son, Charles. I’m pleased to report that he’s a healthy, hap­py lit­tle boy.

I’m going to be tidy­ing up around here to reflect some of my new ideas about how this blog ought to look and what I’d like to share here. Hope­ful­ly I’ll be able to tweak the site a bit this week­end, adding my Twit­ter, Flickr, and Deli­cious pro­files to the right rail. 

This place could stand to be a lit­tle more social, could­n’t it? Well, look for me to add some fea­tures that let you decide how you want to stay abreast of updates on Kens­ing­ton Blues.

(I’m scrib­bling this post on my iPhone. It’s been my go-to device ever since Char­lie was born. I can’t think of some­thing that’s eas­i­er to pick up and use dur­ing those ear­ly morn­ing feedings!)