Category: Doing
My Year in Music
It’s December 30th, I’ve submitted my formal fake P&J ballot and I’m listening to the new Emma Swift album and having regrets. A music critic’s work is never done! It’s been a hard year but I was personally soothed by all the great music that came out this year. For the first time in my experience…
2020: An Update
Ok, so like usual I promised to write more and haven’t. Like everyone, 2020 has been a year. So, with that in mind, I wanted to drop in for a quick update before I lost track of time yet again. Let’s revisit the Before Times briefly.: I started a new job in March! Yes, after being…
How to Reboot Your Personal Blog
Why don’t I take my own advice? I should’ve never stopped writing in the first place. Why don’t I take Anil Dash’s advice? He’s right! Well, here I am, back at Ramsayings, wondering where another year went. I constantly miss writing and yet never seem to find the words to say or the time to type…
How to Survive an Unplanned Sabbatical
You know all those posts about how busy is bad? Well, what if you suddenly weren’t quite so busy? What would you do with the time you got back? Who would you become? I had planned to write this in December after starting a new job in downtown Detroit, recapping the eight months I spent…
A Runner Reborn
When I lost my job in March, I knew above all else that I needed to start running again. Not only did I need to get my arms around my cardiovascular fitness after 8 straight years of being glued to a screen, I needed to get some time to reflect on my priorities now that…