• I Miss Running

    I miss run­ning. Last time I ran was the 2009 Philadel­phia Marathon. Just got to be too hard get­ting Char­lie ready on top of try­ing to get out and run in the morn­ing. Hope I can get back on track once the snow and ice melt and the side­walks dry.  Excit­ed to get back in the…

  • Charlie After Ear Tubes

    Char­lie got ear tubes last week to help solve his chron­ic ear infec­tions. Turns out what every­one says is true: his speech improved imme­di­ate­ly and he’s much hap­pi­er now that his ears don’t hurt. What a relief! Now if he’d sleep past 4:30 in the morn­ing we’d be on Easy Street.

  • Who Is Harry Nilsson?

    Just watched this doc­u­men­tary. Only a hand­ful of artists meet a trag­ic end like this, where their fame endures long after their tal­ent burns out. My old boss at TLA Video, Adri­an Hick­man, used to play Nils­son often at the store. I did­n’t have an ear for it then, but lis­ten­ing to his voice com­plete­ly…

  • In Praise of the Pork Road

    One of the many high­lights of our trip to Puer­to Rico was our excur­sion to the sto­ried Pork Road. For­give the hor­ri­ble pic­ture, but it’s a whole pig roast­ing on a spit. The Pork Road winds up a hill with pork pur­vey­ors lin­ing both sides. We hit two lechonaras and ate all sorts of porky good­ness:…

  • I Met Ryan Madson at Yo La Tengo

    Proof that Philly’s still weird: I met Phillies’ set-up man Ryan Mad­son at the Troc’s down­stairs bar at Yo La Ten­go last Thurs­day night. He was floored by the band, call­ing it “pure music,” ask­ing if they were on iTunes and was just an all-around sweet guy. He also shared that his dad played in a…