Sorry I’ve been away so long, but I’ve been kept very busy lately with my new son, Charles. I’m pleased to report that he’s a healthy, happy little boy.
I’m going to be tidying up around here to reflect some of my new ideas about how this blog ought to look and what I’d like to share here. Hopefully I’ll be able to tweak the site a bit this weekend, adding my Twitter, Flickr, and Delicious profiles to the right rail.
This place could stand to be a little more social, couldn’t it? Well, look for me to add some features that let you decide how you want to stay abreast of updates on Kensington Blues.
(I’m scribbling this post on my iPhone. It’s been my go-to device ever since Charlie was born. I can’t think of something that’s easier to pick up and use during those early morning feedings!)